“Natural-childbirth training displaces ignorance, superstition, fear, anxiety, and the resultant bodily tensions that are such obstacles in labor.”
12 Week Bradley Method® Comprehensive Childbirth Course
Kinderhaven offers comprehensive classes in the Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth. This twelve week series of classes will prepare both the pregnant person and their support person to make informed decisions about their pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum experience.
This class is designed for anyone interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the natural processes of labor and birth in order to help them take ownership of their birth experience and make the best choices for their families based on evidence-based research.
Meeting for at least two hours once per week for 12 weeks is a significant time commitment which is important not just for covering all the necessary information, but for having plenty of time to actively practice the techniques, and for learning from and building relationships with the other students in the class. Students are not just learning information, but preparing for a physically and mentally challenging athletic event. I aim to keep classes personal, allowing me to tailor the course to your particular questions or concerns. Throughout your pregnancy and beyond, I strive to answer all of your questions and provide you with the support and information you need.
The Bradley Method® is known as "Husband-Coached Childbirth", but as Dr. Bradley says, "our definition of a husband is someone who loves and protects this woman... 'Husband' or 'husbandry' is the act of involvement in such a capacity as to facilitate tremendous bonding and support. One does not have to be the biological father or a Y-chromosome person to have this title." This class is for any expectant person and their coach, whether that be the baby's other parent, a partner, or another support person invested in the pregnancy and birth. Second parents are routinely in the birthing room with their partners because of Dr. Bradley's influence, and this method focuses on preparing those partners so that they know what to expect, and can take on an active role confidently.
Topics covered:
Nutrition for pregnancy and how it impacts labor
Physical exercises to practice during pregnancy
Optimal fetal positioning
Anatomy and physiology of pregnancy and birth
Hormones of pregnancy and labor
Approaches for pregnancy discomforts
How to stay healthy and low risk to avoid complications
Choosing your care provider and birth place
How to be a successful coach
The stages of labor and how to identify them
Physical and emotional signposts during labor
Comfort measures and coping techniques
Breastfeeding benefits, mechanics, positions and more
Postpartum recovery
Typical newborn procedures
Newborn care
During class you will:
Practice techniques for mental relaxation such as abdominal breathing, affirmation, and vocalization
Practice techniques for emotional relaxation such as visualization, fear release, and envisioning positive outcomes
Practice techniques for physical relaxation such as massage, counterpressure, and rebozo
Learn labor and birth positions and when to use them
Learn a variety of comfort measures to use during labor
Learn techniques for preventing and coping with back labor
Rehearse labor techniques and positions
Discuss a variety of labor scenarios and how to approach them
Become familiar with choices and options that you may encounter
Explore your options surrounding interventions such as fetal monitoring, cervical exams, IV, augmentation
Determine your priorities and create a birth plan for sharing them with your support team
Discuss variations and complications that might occur and how to deal with them
Discuss interventions including cesarean section, induction, epidural and analgesic medication
Discuss typical procedures and policies at various birth places
Watch videos of actual births and listen to birth stories
Play games and activities to solidify and practice what you've learned
Hear previous Kinderhaven students speak about their recent experiences
Learn to make confident, informed decisions and feel comfortable being your own advocate
Each couple will receive access to a large digital folder of handouts and other resources put together to complement the classes. Recommendations for additional books, articles and videos will be provided throughout the series to augment the class material. A lending library of pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and parenting related books and videos is also available to students during the course.
Classes take place at Authentic Birth Center in Wauwatosa. In order to have time to attend the full series of classes, students should ideally begin the series by 27 weeks of gestation. If your estimated due date does not align with the current class schedule, or you have a conflict with the dates, please contact me for more information on classes to fit your situation. Private classes may also be available.
Upcoming Series Dates
January 9 - March 27, 2025 Thursday evenings at 7:00pm for due dates April through July 2025
April 10 - June 26, 2025 Thursday evenings at 7:00pm for due dates July through November 2025
September 4 - November 20, 2025 Thursday evenings at 7:00pm for due dates November 2025 through March 2026
All class dates are subject to change based on enrollment and location availability.
Refresher Course
This four-hour refresher course is designed for students who have already taken a childbirth class or had a previous birth and are looking for the opportunity to brush up on the details and get all the important information fresh in their minds. We will look at the different stages of labor and discuss what to expect and how to respond, including techniques for physical, mental and emotional relaxation, comfort measures, breathing and positioning. We will practice hands-on techniques and positions and conduct a labor rehearsal to help to reduce your fears and develop confidence in your ability to labor and birth the way you want to. Classes take place at Authentic Birth Center in Wauwatosa, and are open to anyone whether you plan to birth at a hospital, birthing center or at home.
January 18, 2025 Saturday afternoon, 1-5pm for due dates February through April 2025
April 5, 2025 Saturday afternoon, 1-5pm for due dates April through September 2025
September 6, 2025 Saturday afternoon, 1-5pm for due dates October 2025 through January 2026
*Class dates are subject to change based on enrollment and location availability.
Express Course
This four-hour express course is designed for students who aren’t able to commit to the full 12 week series of classes. This one day class will focus on how to stay health and low risk during pregnancy through appropriate nutrition, exercises, optimal fetal positioning, relaxation exercises, and knowledge about the birth process. We will look at the different stages of labor and discuss what to expect and how to respond, including techniques for physical, mental and emotional relaxation, comfort measures, breathing and positioning. We will practice hands-on techniques and positions and conduct a labor rehearsal to help to reduce your fears and develop confidence in your ability to labor and birth the way you want to. Classes take place at Authentic Birth Center in Wauwatosa, and are open to anyone whether you plan to birth at a hospital, birthing center or at home.
Upcoming Class Dates
January 18, 2025 Saturday afternoon, 1-5pm for due dates February through April 2025
April 5, 2025 Saturday afternoon, 1-5pm for due dates April through September 2025
September 6, 2025 Saturday afternoon, 1-5pm for due dates October 2025 through January 2026
*Class dates are subject to change based on enrollment and location availability.
Currently, classes are meeting in person at Authentic Birth Center. In the event that classes are deemed unsafe at any time, they will meet virtually instead. I am also available for personal consultations or questions via phone, email, FaceTime or other virtual services. Please reach out for more information or to enroll in any upcoming classes.